We’re sorry to hear that you're having trouble redeeming your voucher code(s). Here are a few tips that might help:
One Voucher Code Per Booking Process
Only one voucher code can be used per booking process. If you want to use multiple vouchers for different sessions, you’ll need to complete the booking process separately for each one.
Ensure the Voucher Matches the Session
Please note that vouchers are only valid within their specific category. We have different vouchers for Beginner (First-timer, Rookie, Kid Sessions), A-Frame (Progressive-Expert), and our Point Break. Make sure to select the appropriate voucher for the session you’re booking.
Too Many Attempts During Booking
If you’ve tried to use a voucher code multiple times during the booking process (e.g., attempting to book an A-Frame session with a Beginner voucher or using multiple codes in one booking), the code may be temporarily blocked for about 45 minutes for security reasons. Please wait this period out, and your voucher code will be usable again.
Switching Browsers or Devices
In some cases, switching to a different browser or booking on a PC or laptop instead of a mobile device has resolved the issue.
Extra Spaces at the End
When copying your voucher code, extra spaces at the end can sometimes be included. Make sure there are no extra spaces, as they can cause the code to be invalid or not recognized by the system.